Andy and Anne are the founders of Six on Scott Guesthouse.
Both born and bred in Germany, the couple fell in love with Cape Town and moved here permanently in 2008. They dreamed of renovating the “grand old Victorian lady”, that they’d bought with a friend years before, into Six on Scott Guesthouse.
With their background in tourism, passion for old Victorian houses, and flair for interior design, they undertook this adventure as a young family. They welcomed their first son in 2007 before moving and starting the project.
Doing a lot of the renovations themselves, while holding down their jobs, having another child, and setting up a life in Cape Town, Anne and Andy finally reached their goal in 2010. Six on Scott opened its doors just before the Soccer World Cup, and they’ve been creating a home away from home for guests for nearly a decade now.
After running Six on Scott for over a decade, it had to be closed due to the Covid pandemic and worldwide travel restrictions in mid-2020. Due to so many uncertainties Six on Scott Guesthouse only reopened in 2022 as a self-catering guesthouse.